Hello World!
Hey everyone, and welcome to my new blog that I’m starting up. I’ve been wanting to have a place to write that can be on a variety of topics, so that’s what I’ve decided to set up here. So first a bit about me:
I’m a 31 year old video game journalist who works for TechRaptor as the news editor, working with a great team of writers. But that’s only a facet of my life, as I’m also a voracious reader (and have been since about 7 years old) particularly of the science fiction and fantasy genres, a sometime writer of fiction, an RPG nerd, a foodie, and a whole bunch of other things. I also am an advocate on mental health, dealing personally with anxiety, and depression issues.
This blog is meant to be a place where I can talk about a wide variety of things, and I’m not sure how exactly it’s going to work out. I have some ideas for a few things, and some stuff but it’s going to be a bit eclectic as I work out writing things. Expect to see stuff like writing prompts, Hamilton region light show discussions, restaurant reviews (… or more often the take out version there of), thoughts on books I’ve read, or games I’ve played.
We’ll see how this all turns out, and how I take it together in the days, and weeks ahead, and if I end up sticking with Medium even! I got a few things to start with and then we’ll see how it all goes.